There are Many Ways You Can Get Involved
The only solution to this widespread problem is through the work of God and the church. It will not be solved by our own labor. If we all keep prayer at the forefront, God can move in His church to overcome this evil with good. Praying is the most important thing we can do.
“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” — James 5:16
You can help prevent the problem of trafficking by:
Not supporting business that advertise by objectifying women (this includes not clicking on free ads and internet sites).
Raising awareness to those in your own social circle about the problem.
Fight for a biblical understanding of the inherent value of people and of God's design for sex to our society.
Doing your part to help alleviate extreme poverty around the world.
Educating yourself.
Calling the National Polaris Project Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888 if you suspect a person may have been trafficked.
Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone you can through word and deed and make disciples. The more that the gospel is spread and lives of consumers (especially men) are changed, the more the demand will go down for innocent child victims. The ultimate solution to this problem is lives being transformed by the Holy Spirit through the gospel message.
Host a fundraiser in your home for 1Saved. Contact us for more information on how to schedule this.
Sponsor a survivor living in our aftercare home.
Donate to 1Saved and other organizations that are attacking the different aspects of this multi-faceted problem.
Buy products made by trafficking victims or businesses that donate a portion of their revenue to anti-trafficking organizations.
Join a local or state anti-trafficking group.
Participate in our annual golf outing fund raiser.